Multiple Slot Binder
Fits Rotary machines that will accept a 3/16" foot opening like White, Domestic, Kenmore, etc.
(see example foot holder pict.)
Fits top clamping Kenmore's (49, 71,76), Free Rotary, Free Westinghouse, New Home Rotary, Stratford, and most all machines made by Free and New Home Sewing Company. This has a narrow, 1/8" wide clamp slot and higher (5/8" high) shank as opposed to some other rotary machines with 3/16" slot and low shank.
The Multiple Slot Binder is designed with slots to accommodate five different widths of commercial binding in addition to the familiar 15/16" bias cut binding which you can make.
Binder is USED, but is in VERY GOOD CONDITION